Nandini Sahakar Yojana: Empowering Women Cooperatives in 2024

Nandini Sahakar Yojana: Empowering Women Cooperatives in 2024

Nandini Sahakar Yojana – India’s cooperative movement has always been a significant part of its socio-economic fabric.

Recognizing the pivotal role of cooperatives, the Indian government introduced the Nandini Sahakar Yojana, a scheme aimed at bolstering cooperative societies across the nation.

This blog delves into the comprehensive details of the Nandini Sahakar Yojana, highlighting its objectives, benefits, and impact in 2024.

Nandini Sahakar Yojana: Overview

The Nandini Sahakar Yojana, launched in 2023 by the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC), is a strategic initiative by the Government of India to strengthen and empower women cooperative societies.

These societies play a crucial role in various sectors including agriculture, dairy, fisheries, and handicrafts.

With the aim of fostering sustainable development and enhancing the livelihoods of millions, the scheme provides financial assistance, technological support, and capacity-building opportunities.

Scheme NameNandini Sahakar Yojana
Launched ByGovernment of India (National Cooperative Development Corporation)
Year of Launch2023
Target BeneficiariesWomen Cooperative Societies across various sectors
Main ObjectivesFinancial support, capacity building, technological advancement
Funding MechanismSubsidies, low-interest loans, grants
Impact AreasAgriculture, Dairy, Fisheries, Handicrafts, and more
Total DisbursementRs. 6426.36 crore (as of March 31, 2024)

Objectives of Nandini Sahakar Yojana

  1. Financial Support: To provide necessary financial assistance to women cooperative societies through subsidies, low-interest loans, and grants, with no minimum or maximum limit on financial assistance.
  2. Capacity Building: To enhance the skills and capabilities of members of cooperative societies through training programs and workshops.
  3. Technological Advancement: To promote the adoption of modern technologies and best practices within cooperative societies.
  4. Sustainable Development: To ensure long-term sustainability and self-reliance of cooperative societies.
  5. Inclusive Growth: To promote inclusive growth by reaching out to marginalized and rural communities.

Key Features

Financial Assistance

The Nandini Sahakar Yojana offers various forms of financial aid to cooperative societies. These include:

  • Subsidies: Grants provided to cooperative societies to support specific projects or activities.
  • Low-Interest Loans: Loans offered at reduced interest rates to ease the financial burden on cooperatives.
  • Grants: Direct financial support for infrastructure development, technological upgrades, and other critical needs.

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Capacity Building

To ensure that cooperative societies can operate efficiently and effectively, the scheme emphasizes capacity building through:

  • Training Programs: Workshops and seminars aimed at enhancing the managerial and operational skills of cooperative members.
  • Knowledge Exchange: Platforms for sharing best practices and success stories among different cooperatives.
  • Skill Development: Programs focused on specific skills required in various sectors such as agriculture, dairy, and handicrafts.

Technological Support

In today’s digital age, technological advancement is crucial for the success of any enterprise. The Nandini Sahakar Yojana supports cooperatives in:

  • Digitalization: Encouraging the adoption of digital tools and platforms for better management and operation.
  • Modern Techniques: Promoting the use of modern agricultural techniques, advanced dairy practices, and innovative fisheries management.
  • Research and Development: Facilitating access to research and development resources to foster innovation within cooperatives.

Impact on Various Sectors


The scheme has a significant impact on the agricultural sector by:

  • Enhancing Productivity: Providing resources for modern farming techniques.
  • Reducing Costs: Offering financial support to reduce the cost of inputs.
  • Sustainable Practices: Promoting environmentally sustainable farming practices.


For the dairy sector, the scheme focuses on:

  • Quality Improvement: Supporting measures to improve milk quality.
  • Processing Facilities: Funding the establishment of advanced dairy processing units.
  • Market Access: Helping cooperatives access larger markets through better logistics and distribution networks.


In the fisheries sector, the Nandini Sahakar Yojana aids in:

  • Infrastructure Development: Funding the development of modern fisheries infrastructure.
  • Training and Capacity Building: Providing training to fishermen on sustainable fishing practices.
  • Market Linkages: Creating better market linkages for fish products.


The scheme also promotes the handicrafts sector by:

  • Skill Development: Enhancing the skills of artisans through specialized training programs.
  • Market Expansion: Helping artisans access national and international markets.
  • Product Innovation: Encouraging innovation in design and production techniques.

Progress and Achievements

As of March 31, 2024, the Nandini Sahakar Yojana has disbursed financial assistance amounting to Rs. 6426.36 crore for the development of cooperative societies exclusively promoted by women across the country.

Despite the substantial progress, there remains significant potential for further growth, particularly in regions like Bihar, where no proposals have been received from women cooperatives under the scheme yet.


The Nandini Sahakar Yojana is a transformative initiative aimed at revitalizing cooperative societies across India.

By providing comprehensive support in the form of financial aid, capacity building, and technological advancement, the scheme ensures the sustainable growth and development of cooperatives.

As we move forward in 2024, the impact of this scheme is evident in the improved livelihoods of millions of cooperative members and the enhanced productivity and sustainability of various sectors.

The Nandini Sahakar Yojana truly embodies the spirit of cooperation and collective growth, paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for all.

Visit the official website for Nandini Sahakar Yojana and for more informative blogs like this keep visiting KNMV daily.

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